Musical Safe Space for Everyone

Musical Safe Space for Everyone

29.7.24 – Teya Pichsinee, Maria Plexida

Wellbeing for Everyone - Musical Safe Space for Everyone

Do you know how music can improve your mental health and well-being?

Music can have serious implications for health in general, from influencing physical and mental health. According to literature, music treatment alone is considered effective in alleviating major depressive symptoms even more than that of the standard treatments. Participation could be anything but not limited to:

  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Playing or producing
  • Composing
  • Conversation
  • Playing an instrument

These activities might form part of music therapy, which can be helpful for patients with depression and anxiety. Pleasant music stirs the release of dopamine, hence improving mood and producing feelings of pleasure and reward. Besides, it reduces the level of cortisol, which is the stress hormone, hence decreasing stress and anxiety.

Music can also contribute to a better quality of life in that it improves physical health. The application of music has shown to release the body’s endorphins or natural painkillers that help in pain reduction. Also, listening to relaxing music slows down heart rate and blood pressure, whereas upbeat music can raise these metrics temporarily.

Additionally, music unites people of the same interest through different cultures. Music may give cohesiveness to a group through social bonding, especially in settings involving groups and communal activities, and enhance communication.

How do you feel when you listen to music or dance?

Being music enthusiasts, we strongly feel that music rejuvenates us and creates lasting memories. Concerts and music festivals fulfill us, come what may in life. It‘s so healing being among people with similar interests, listening to live performances.

Music can be a powerful tool, used to uplift our mood and enhance our well-being. ‘Music therapy’ is an established healthcare profession that uses evidence-based music interventions to achieve therapeutic goals. It is used to treat various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety and PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder).

In our community, we offer a workshop called ‘Musical Safe Space for Everyone,’ designed to empower through music. No prior musical experience is required. However, we don’t offer music therapy but in this workshop, you’ll experience how music can uplift your mood and bring people together. 

The workshop takes place every two weeks, on Thursdays at Karuna Pavilion, Boxhagener Platz. For more information, click here.

Let’s enjoy music and create a safe space together! 🙂

Wellbeing for Everyone - Musical Safe Space for Everyone - Jam
Wellbeing for Everyone - Musical Safe Space for Everyone - Jam
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